Vetoquniol Oridermyl Gel 耳蚤耳炎膏 10g Vetoguniol Oridermyl Gel主要成份爲抗感染、皮質甾類、抗真菌以及抗寄生蟲活性成分的組合 , 具有抗感染和抗痛癢的特性;硫酸新黴素爲氨基糖苷類 抗生素,對革蘭氏陰性需氧菌和葡萄球菌具有殺菌性;氯菊酯屬於合成的擬除蟲菊酯類化合物,爲殺蟎劑和殺蟲劑,通過作用於鈉離子通道而阻斷昆蟲體內的神經衝動傳導。 可用於治療犬和貓因細菌、酵母菌和寄生蟲引起的耳部感染(外耳炎) 使用方法:先清潔耳道及外耳後,於小朋友耳部外用藥。耳部每天用約0.3g的耳膏(約一粒豌豆大小),輕輕按摩耳底部,清洗掉多餘的藥品。每隔一天用藥一次,直至痊癒。推薦的給藥週期爲28日(耳蟎的再繁殖週期) 本產品爲淺黃色油膏。 注意事項: 1.不得長期大劑量使用。 2.妊娠和哺乳期的動物應在獸醫指導下使用。 3.爲防止動物舔食意外攝取,尤其是貓,不要將耳膏粘到動物皮毛上。 4.使用本品後要清洗手,一旦接觸到眼睛或皮膚,應立即用大量的水進行清洗 . Ingredients in Oridermyl® Permethrin, neomycin, nystatin and triamcinolone Directions for Use of Oridermyl® Dosage and administration: The external ear canals should be cleaned before treatment. Attach the flexible cannula to the tube of ointment. The cannula must be vertically positioned to ensure accurate dosing. In adult cats instil exactly 8 drops of ointment (≈ 0.3 ml) into each ear. In kittens instil exactly 4 drops of ointment (≈ 0.15 ml) into each ear. Gently massage the base of the ears to uniformly disperse the ointment. Administer once daily for 10 consecutive days. Care should be taken to avoid staining the fur. Since otoacariasis is very contagious, both ears should be treated even if only one seems to be infested. Following 10 days of treatment, a veterinarian should re-evaluate the ears. If repeated treatment is required, an alternative treatment should be considered.
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